As we approach the mystical date of August 8th, the Lion's Gate Portal opens, offering us an unparalleled opportunity to accelerate our spiritual growth and embrace higher frequencies. The Lion’s Gate is a cosmic gateway that spans from July 28 to Aug 12, and it is where the sun in Leo, the star, Sirius, and Orion's belt aligns with the Pyramids of Giza. It is a time of intense cosmic alignment and it ushers in powerful ascension energies. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of the Lion's Gate Portal as it relates to ascension, and practical tips for using this time to enhance your spiritual journey. For more information on ascension, check out the blog, Understanding Ascension - How to Know You're Awakening.
While this celestial event occurs every year on August 8, this year is especially potent as we are in an 8 year, amplifying the energy of 8 which in numerology symbolizes abundance, power, and infinite potential, making the Lion's Gate an ideal time for manifesting intentions, embracing new spiritual insights and creating from the cosmic creator template.
At the summer solstice, we received powerful influxes of light for further awakening dormant DNA. This Lion’s Gate portal is amplifying it even more as our DNA is being re-written. We have been in a spiritual war over our DNA for eons for it is our original DNA template that holds the truth of who we are as creator beings. That truth and power, embodied, would end all wars.
With the powerful cosmic alignments and events, and the photonic belt of light we are moving through, we are coming into deeper alignment with our divine DNA blueprint which is our true template that we were cut off from years ago. The codes flowing in with the Lion’s Gate portal bring cosmic intelligence needed to transform our operating program. It brings the instructions to autocorrect distorted DNA and begin restoring our divine template.
As our DNA becomes more and more upgraded over time, we will be able to fully house our divinity in form, thereby creating heaven on earth. This is the great process of ascension, the transfiguration to hold more light and embody the Christos Heart of Sophia. This triple eight Lion’s Gate is a potent portal for supporting us with this process.
The plasma flowing in is also activating spiritual gifts and rapidly awakening you to new levels of awareness and consciousness. With this comes perspective shifts and the realization that you have to let go of the old. The New Earth is here. You can either get caught watching the old burn, or get on with creating and amplifying the new through your grounded, heart-centered choices and actions.

We are completing huge cycles of time that in past lifetimes have been cataclysmic. Many lightworkers here at this time remember those times and came to make sure it doesn’t happen again. As we usher in the new earth, we are moving into cosmic creation cycles that no longer allow us to create from outside of ourselves but rather we create from self-sourcing as cosmic creators in form. To fully step into the templates that are increasingly available in these new energies, you must heal the division and separation in your heart and return to love. You must unify your inner masculine and feminine polarities to hold unity within.
While it may not seem like it, we are completing our walk in the lower earth matrix that is driven by fear, scarcity and separation. We are moving into a new, unified grid that is anchored in love, abundance and intuition. We are moving from survival consciousness to unity consciousness anchored in Source lovelight intelligence. It brings a whole new level of responsibility for those ascending hearts.
The incoming frequencies are bringing in a new sense of worthiness. But to fully claim it, you must create without limitation. We must claim your worth. When you do this, you will start to create a very different reality. A reality where your authentic truth can stand in its beauty without the fear of attack or abandonment.
Integrating Lion’s Gate Energies with Intention
It is ideal to receive these cosmic influxes of light with conscious intention. I personally think this celestial event gets sensationalized causing so many spiritual seekers to flock to it and talk about it. And while there is good reason for this, I encourage you to dig deeper. Go beyond what you read and pay close attention to the sensations you feel, the emotions that arise, and the synchronicities that seem to arrive at random but that are in jaw-dropping divine alignment. Tend to your intuition above all else and allow yourself to have a sovereign experience free from projections and social media trends.
Here are a few practices to consider:
Time in Nature
Spend ample time in nature to connect with her pulse and open your heart to receive. Mother Gaia is holding the frequencies in her bones, the stones. She is communicating with the stars and the cosmos and is literally a powerful wisdom teacher for these times. Nature heals, restores, rebalances, and reconnects you to all that is. Be generous with yourself and take the time you need.
Divine Neutrality
Practice divine neutrality. We are in intense times and the media is driving separation and division in a big way. Notice yourself when you get caught up in this and use it as a guidepost to ground yourself and come back into your heart. Can you witness yourself in the drama and chose differently? Can you invite loving compassion for yourself and others and find the neutral space of love, deep witnessing and compassion?
Mastering Inner Polarity
Unify your inner masculine and feminine polarities. Get to know the archetypal energies of your inner masculine and feminine nature. How do they get along? How are they operating in distorted patterns and beliefs? The progress you make here will support you with holding the inner architecture of unity that is needed creating a world of unity consciousness. It will also support you with your ascension journey.
Going Deeper
For deeper support on your ascension journey, consider my 1:1 soul embodiment coaching, Anchor the Light Mastery School, Anchor the Light Society membership, or Shamanic Healing.
I am here to activate and mobilize you on your path of service to light the world and usher in heaven on earth.