Try This Affirmation for Raising Your Vibration

Having a dedicated contemplative practice allows you to dive deep into your belief patterns, unpack the layers of programming and examine what is true and real for YOU. One of the most common ways to work through thoughts to distill the mind and land in your heart space is through journaling and using affirmations. 

Try out this affirmation:

Once I decide, the universe conspires to support me. Always in all ways. And so it is. 

Everything in the world is comprised of energy, even our thoughts and words. They hold a vibration and send out a frequency to which the whole universe responds. When we are in limbo between which path is the best or which choice to make, we get a mix of results and responses back. 

Sometimes the hardest part is arriving at any decision is to decide. It involves facing our fears, overcoming limiting thought patterns and doing 'the work' to finally step all the way in. But once we truly make a decision, we can then hold a consistent vibration for what it is we desire most. 

work with positive affirmations to shift your mindset

To work with any affirmation, spend some time noticing where you haven't fully made a decision, or fully arrived at a true intention. Trust in knowing the universe will respond to your call.

Try out these journal prompts to explore your thoughts around this affirmation:

  • Things holding me back from deciding are...
  • When I fully decide I feel...
  • To fully trust things will work out, I need to...
  • Any other thoughts that arise...

If you're not sure where to start with affirmations or journaling, our Anchor the Light box is exactly what you need to raise your vibration and expand your self-care practices.  Each box includes an affirmation card to help reprogram your beliefs around a particular area to align with a positive vibration. You can place your affirmation card where you will see it everyday to reinforce your beliefs and hold these new feelings in your body to anchor it all in. 

Journal prompts and more are also provided to help kickstart this process. And it's even more powerful when combined with crystal energy!


What affirmations have you used before?  Let me know your thoughts on affirmations and journaling!

All the love!

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